10 Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring Event Staff
There is no denying that the success of any event relies on the interaction between the event staff and the attendees.
With brands increasingly turning to professional promotional staffing agencies, you would think that this is the fail-safe option for a successful event. It can be if the promotional staffing agency has a clear idea of the people you need and the skills you want.
Thus, many clients fail to get the right people for the job. Here’s how to avoid the most common pitfalls of hiring event staff;
#1 Not understanding objectives and event goals
You have decided to exhibit at the event or trade show for a reason… or have you? For a
promotional staffing agency to understand what staff you need and with what skills, they need to understand your objectives.
#2 Keeping information back
It is amazing what clients don’t tell us about an event or a trade show until during or after the event! If there is something about the trade show or event we and our staff need to know, just tell us. Nothing is too weird or wacky or ‘out there’ request for us.
#3 Not sticking with your brand
A brand is everything about your business that speaks to customers. From your logo to colours you use in your packaging and uniforms, to the customer service you offer, every event you attend and every member of staff working your stand or booth needs to ‘fit’ with this brand. Again, we need to know what this is so our promotional staff can promote your brand in the way you want.
#4 Not consulting your event team
If you have an event team, they will have a more acute awareness of what skills are needed. For example, it may be that you need a sales team or someone who can prospect and qualify leads so your own event team are the people who close the sales. Listen to your event team!
#5 Not getting to know event staff
Halfway through the list and we come to the pitfall of hiring staff blind. It may work but do you want to take that chance? At Envisage, we handpick a team of potential promotional staff but you make the final decision. We can arrange for you to interview staff, via phone, Skype or face-to-face, if this is something you would like to do.
#6 Not asking for an up-to-date event experience resume
If you don’t have the time nor the plans to interview potential promotional staff, at least peruse their latest resume with an up to date list of events, trade shows, conferences and other promotional work they have done.
#7 Going for the cheapest quote
You get what you pay for. And if you are not paying much, you are not going to get much back.
#8 Not being organised beforehand
The team of promotional event staff that you hire can only do so much if they are giving limited information or limited time to get to your company, your brand, product or services. Get organised and give your hired team of professionals chance to polish their knowledge.
#9 Hiring based on appearances
You need the right skill set and although beauty is attractive, if there is no substance the outcomes are not going to be what you want.
#10 Delaying your decision
Promotional staffing agencies are busy places and the best people are often in demand. By delaying your decision, you may find your dream team is no longer available…